Monday, March 10, 2014

Profile Project Progress

In our project, Gino Quintana, a semi professional soccer player, learns how to balance his school work, with his sports. As he travels the world playing soccer against other national teams from Europe, and other countries; he finds a way where he isn't falling behind in school. We filmed him at his house where he was comfortable enough to express his true self without being to worried about the camera. We wanted the viewers to be able to see just how difficult school can be, especially high school, when you miss class. We chose him because he was the perfect example of how to balance sports and school in a way that was organized.

During our interview we needed to get a profile shot so we can see his entire face, and we also used a rule of thirds shot type to add interest to our video. Our b-roll however, we got super creative and got all types of unique angle, but we still needed to be extremely careful because of possible wind and flying balls and when we were filling out or production plan.We also had some problems with our team members not doing their assignment. In order to prevent this from happening, we needed to keep reminding him to keep on task.

Overall I think that we need to reshoot most of our video. In our video, we had some errors that we need to correct such as interview composition, audio levels, and the overall quality of the video. On Saturday, Emiliano took home a camera to reshoot the b-roll and interview to help improve the video. Hopefully this will increase the quality of our video exponentially.

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